Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Search Engine Optimization Guide for Beginners - Content is King

How often do we see a site which has little or no relevant content? Everyone must have heard “Content is the King” phrase. Yes, it's an oft repeated and very clichéd but the fact is that it is important for a very good reason. A site with useful, relevant and compelling content is more likely to influence your websites rankings in search Engines than any other factor. Users will flock to a site again and again, which has a good content. They will recommend others to do so by putting up backlinks, by bookmarking, by social media sites, forums or simply word of mouth. Come to think of it like a great movie. Yes, good marketing and publicity helps but what makes viewers come back again and again to theatres to watch the movie again is its content. This human behavior is replicated everywhere.

If a website is offering great information or some kind of service, then users would like to take advantage of it, become its member. Perhaps a blogger may post its reference on his/her next post and so on.

So what are things we have to keep in mind while writing content for a website?

1) Easy to read and follow: The website should have lucid and easy to read content which makes it available to a larger demography. Spelling and grammatical mistakes may tarnish the reputation, so avoid them. Many sites have text embedded in images; this can make it unreadable to search engines.

2) Focused, Organized: The content should be focused on a particular topic. Different sections should be organized such that users can easily access the content. Web pages with large content may be broken down in to pages with clear navigation. Titles, Headings, Bold, italics, tables, paragraphs and bullets should be used to make content understandable.

3) Use relevant language and phrases: Different users usually search for different phrases. An insider in any particular industry may use technical terms which may be Latin to an end user. Use words that match your audience. Still better, make content with an aim to help every section of demography.

4) Fresh & Unique: This is very vital. Make sure that your site is regularly updated with unique content. The content should not be plagiarized from other sources. It's unethical and is frowned upon by internet community. Good reputation cannot be built upon poor quality website.

5) Useful content & services: A website that provides useful content like Wikipedia or services like Yahoo's mail is more likely to be successful. Your website can also provide some useful content or services (though understandably on a smaller scale than Wikipedia or yahoo) and can get popular quickly then it's competitors.

6) Aim at users: Many webmasters design/develop a site and its content with sole aim at attracting search engines. They stuff keywords within the content which makes it quite unintelligible to a human reader. Many insert hidden text only for search engines. These actions may backfire. Your site should target the human reader first and at the same time make it accessible to search engines also.

Looking for a sophisticated approach to strengthening your brand using SEO? contact Enovabiz Solutions today!
Dallas SEO Company / Arizona SEO Services

Enovabiz Solutions is a professional Dallas Internet Marketing Firm offering SEO consultancy throughout USA. We provide exclusive Phoenix SEO Services, Website Promotion in Arizona. For exclusive SEO Services in Dallas contact us now. Our SEO packages suit every budget and business.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Search Engine Optimization Guide for Beginners – Navigate your Way to Success

The navigation of a website is an important aspect. A site with easy and intuitive navigation structure allows the site visitors to easily find and reach the pages that they want. Apart from it's implication in User Interface, it also assists search engines in figuring out which pages are important. Search Engines mainly base their search results on a page level but they also like to take a macro site level view of page's importance. All sites have a home page/index page which is the main page of a site and as the term suggests is the page which is most frequented by visitors. Home page also serves as the base from where visitors are directed to various other sections of the website.

A webmaster must strive to create a naturally flowing and intuitive hierarchy. The user should be able to navigate easily from page to page and section to section. Webmaster should avoid complex webs of internal links in which every page is linked to every page. “Breadcrumbs” – a row of internal links located at top or bottom of site should be used effectively to enable the site visitor to navigate back to main section or home page. Use text links as much as possible as they can be read easily by search engines. Webmasters are also advised to have useful 404 page that guides the user back to a relevant section or page with a link back the home page in case site visitor encounters a broken link or types in an incorrect URL. Generic messages like “page not found” should be avoided and appropriate messages should be used. Also, 404 custom pages should have same look and feel as rest of the website.

Small sites generally have a small number of pages. For a website with lot of content and subject matter, it may be better to divide each subject and its matter in to separate web pages. In ecommerce sites, there are usually hundreds of categories, sub categories and numerous products. In such cases, the site structure may have different directories and pages for each of them. This is will provide logical and physical hierarchy in a site.

A home page may not have (and is not advisable also) to have links to all the pages of a site. In such cases to ensure that visitors and search engine bots are able to know what all pages are there in the website and effectively navigate to pages of their choices, along with a navigation menu, a sitemap is also provided. A sitemap is a webpage that shows the structure of a website and has a hierarchical listing of all the pages. A sitemap has very important implications for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine bots while visiting a sitemap is able to get a listing of all pages and hence crawl all the web pages. Site visitors can also use sitemap to access in case of difficult in navigation. A sitemap is primarily for human consumption.

An XML Sitemap with a standard defined by Google has also been introduced, which makes it easier for Google bots to crawl through your site.

Sitemaps should be kept up to date to avoid any broken links.

Enovabiz Solutions is a professional Dallas Internet Marketing Firm offering SEO consultancy throughout USA. We provide exclusive Arizona SEO Services, Phoenix SEO Solutions and online marketing. For exclusive Dallas SEO Services contact us now. Our SEO packages suit every budget and business. And we DELIVER!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How to Detect Fake SEO Consultants

How to Detect Fake SEO Consultants

Enovabiz Solutions is a professional Dallas Internet Marketing Firm offering SEO consultancy throughout USA. We provide exclusive SEO Services in Arizona and Phoenix SEO Solutions and online marketing. For exclusive SEO Services in Dallas contact us now. Our SEO packages suit every budget and business. And we DELIVER!